
Waste Management and Recycling and Biodivesity

NIES International Forum Report

Photo 1: While in Bali, we saw many statues of deities. This one was inside the forum venue. Can you see the plate filled with flowers at the foot of the statue? This is an offering called canang sari. They can be seen everywhere around the town and in the streets, and show just how closely religion is intertwined in the daily lives of the Balinese people.

Waste Management and Recycling


  • Prof. Bonar P Pasaribu (Chair)
    Professor, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Prof. Yasunori Kikuchi
    Project Associate Professor, Organization for Interdisciplinary Research Project, UTokyo, Japan
  • Mr. Pietra Widiadi, MA
    Green/Blue Economy Strategic Leader in Directorate Policy, Sustainable and Transformation, WWF Indonesia
  • Dr. Yoshitake Ebie
    Senior Researcher, Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, NIES, Japan
  • Mr. Guilberto Borongan
    Programme Specialist, Waste Management Cluster, AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, AIT, Thailand
  • Dr. Masato Yamada
    Head, Radiological Contaminated Off-Site Waste Management Section, Fukushima Branch, NIES, Japan
  • Prof. Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia
    Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Udayana University (UNUD), Indonesia
Photo 2-7: Speakers


In this session, approaches to solve the challenges of waste management and recycling were presented from a variety of different angles, from the contents of research into technological approaches to research into the transition of social mechanisms. The case studies presented covered a wide variety of areas, including wastewater treatment, municipal solid waste, managing waste through community participation, and biofuel electric power generation. These presentations emphasized the fact that this is deeply entrenched in our day-to-day lives.



  • Dr. Jonson Lumban Gaol (Chair)
    Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Dr. Manabu Onuma
    Senior Researcher, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, NIES, Japan
  • Dr. Alan Frendy Koropitan
    Associate Professor, Oceanography, Dept. of Marine Science and Technology, IPB, Indonesia
  • Dr. Nophea Sasaki
    Associate Professor, Natural Resources Management School of Environment, Resources and Development, AIT, Thailand
  • Andreas A. Hutahaean, PhD
    Blue Carbon Center – BCC, Research Center for Coastal & Marine Resources, Agency for Research & Development of Marine and Fisheries, Indonesia
Photo 8-11: Speakers


In this session, initiatives regarding the preservation of biodiversity in both terrestrial areas and coastal areas were presented. As there are many biodiversity hotspots in Asia, this issue is particularly important. Topics presented included a genetic resources bank for wild animal species, the protection and restoration of coastal ecosystems’ biodiversity, and the consideration of biodiversity safeguards in forests from a comparison of their timber and carbon values. Indonesia is regarded as an important region in the research of genetic resources banks, and also has many mangroves that has an important role in the absorption and sequestration of carbon dioxide. We will be watching closely how this region engages in the protection of biodiversity going forward.

Script by Yuri Sugimoto and Shuichi Ashina (Research Project Collaboration Division)
Photo by Yuri Sugimoto