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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Lopezoterenia Foissner, 1997 (ref. ID; 2858)

[ref. ID; 2858]
Holotrichously ciliated Discotrichidae with distinct cortical furrows containing ciliary rows composed of evenly space dikinetids. Cortex with conical interkinetal papillae. (ref. ID; 2858)
Etymology; Named in honour of Prof. Dr. Lopez-Ochoterena, eminent Mexican protozoologist. Feminine gender according to article 30b of the ICZN. (ref. ID; 2858)
Type species; Trichopelma torpens Kahl, 1931 (ref. ID; 2858)
  1. Lopezoterenia torpens (Kahl, 1931) Foissner, 1997 (ref. ID; 2858 redescribed paper)

Lopezoterenia torpens (Kahl, 1931) Foissner, 1997 (ref. ID; 2858 redescribed paper)


Size in vivo about 50-60x30-40 um, up to 3:1 flattened laterally. Cortex with conical interkinetal papillae and conspicuous spines at margin of cell. 8 kineties on right side, 6 on left, 3 adoral membranelles, membranelle 1 smaller (comprising about 4 basal bodies) than membranelles 2 and 3 (each composed of three kineties with 3 basal bodies each) and far above cytopharyngeal opening near left anterior end of cell. Paroral membrane-like kinety above and left of cytopharyngeal opening, commences between adoral membranelles 1 and 2 and curves to upper margin of oral basket, composed of about 6 dikinetids and a monokinetidal tail comprising 2-3 basal bodies. (ref. ID; 2858)


Size of prepared specimens on average 50x30 um. Cell outline roughly semicircular because of straight ventral and strongly convex dorsal side, both ends broadly rounded, Nuclear apparatus near body centre, usually weakly stained with protargol, macronucleus ellipsoidal, micronucleus globular, Pore of contractile vacuole, cytopyge, and extrusomes not stained with protargol, at least with the modification used. Cortex conspicuously ornamented by two kinds of processes, viz. up to 10 um long spines forming two to three indistinct rows along body margin, and conical papillae arranged in two rows between two somatic kineties each; papillae 1-3 um high, originate from deep, separate furrow extending between ciliary rows. Food vacuoles contained filamentous cyanobacteria. Holotrichously ciliated, except for centre of left side, where two kineties are partially reduced. Ciliary rows in deep, crenated furrows, larger anterior portion composed of ciliared dikinetids, smaller posterior potion made of ciliated monokinetids. Ventral ciliary rows (numbers 11-14) almost straight, commence close underneath adoral membranelle 3, i.e. left of pharyngeal opening; other kineties extend parallel to convex dorsal body margin i.e. are increasingly curved and rather evenly spaced, except for kineties 5 and 6 near dorsal margin of left side, which are more narrowly spaced and commence preorally, forming indistinct suture with kineties 7 and 8 extending along dorsal margin of left side. Oral opening near anterior left end of right side. Pharyngeal basket conspicuous because long and almost circular, commences subapically near left body margin and extends dorsally and posteriorly, where it curves ventrally and anteriorly to end near basket opening; right half of basket composed of about 10 fine rods originating from minute granules [unciliated basal bodies (?) forming paroral membrane (?), as in Pseudomicrothorax; Peck (1974)], left half composed of very fine fibres, forming three to four digitate processes (rods?) at pharyngeal opening; basket lumen with conical, finely striated structure. Adoral membranelles left and above pharyngeal opening, minute; membranelle 1 near anterior end of somatic kineties 5 and 6, consists of only about four basal bodies; membranelles 2 and 3 square-shaped, each consisting of three kineties with three basal bodies each. Single, short, curved kinety (paroral membrane?) above pharyngeal opening between and right of adoral membranelles 1 and 2, composed of about six dikinetids and a monokinetidal tail comprising two or three basal bodies, associated with fine fibres merging into oral basket. (ref. ID; 2858)