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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Branchioecetes Kahl, 1931 (ref. ID; 2013)

Class Kinetofragminophora: Subclass Gymnostomata: Order Haptorida: Family Tracheliidae (ref. ID; 2013)

[ref. ID; 2013]
Body shape elongate, narrowing anteriorly to a blunt point, rounded posteriorly resembling shape of Amphileptus but not as flattened. Uniformly ciliated all over body in parallel kineties. There is an unciliated ridge lined with trichocysts leading to a rounded oral aperture (as in Dileptus) which is situated approximately halfway down the body on the convex ventral surface. Oral aperture supported by trichites. Many contractile vacuoles in rows along dorsal and ventral surfaces. Macronucleus moniliform or in scattered rounded parts. Ectocommensal on freshwater crustaceans such as Asellus and Gammarus. Most easily confused with Amphileptus which is laterally flattened and has a long slit-like oral aperture along the ventral edge whereas Branchioecetes has a rounded oral aperture at the base of an unciliated ridge.
Quote; Colin R. Curds "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part I Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora" Cambridge University Press, 1982 (ref. ID; 2013)