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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Archinassula Kahl, 1935 (ref. ID; 2013)

Class Kinetofragminophora: Subclass Hypostomata: Order Nassulida: Suborder Nassulina (ref. ID; 2013)

[ref. ID; 2013]
Outline shape, slim ovoid, slightly curved to the right. Body striated obliquely by low but sharp ribs which encircle the body. Somatic cilia arise between the ribs and ciliature of body appears to be complete. The oral aperture lies in a shallow groove in the extreme anterior region and is supported by a cytopharyngeal basket of trichites. There appears to be no adoral ciliature. Macronucleus large, ovoid to kidney shape, centrally pointed with an adjacent micronucleus. Single equatorial contractile vacuole situated on right of body. Genus based on single brief description by Kahl (1930-35), Germany.
Quote; Colin R. Curds "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part I Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora" Cambridge University Press, 1982 (ref. ID; 2013)