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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Anteholosticha Berger, 2003 (ref. ID; 4927 original paper)

[ref. ID; 4927]
Diagnosis; Urostylid hypotrichs with continuous adoral zone. Rearmost membranelles not wider than remaining membranelles of proximal portion. 3 enlarged frontal cirri. Buccal cirrus/cirri right of paroral. Frontoterminal cirri present. Midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only. Number of transverse cirri usually distinctly lower than number of midventral pairs. 1 left and 1 right marginal row. Anterior end of left marginal row +/- straight commences left of adoral zone. Caudal cirri lacking. Nuclear apparatus left of midline or scattered. (ref. ID; 4927)
Etymology; Composite of the Latin prefix ante+ (temporal: before) and the genus name Holosticha, including that the species included were previously classified in Holosticha. Like Holosticha, feminine gender. (ref. ID; 4927)
Remarks; Anteholosticha contains those species previously classified in Holosticha which lack the apomorphies of Holosticha and caudal cirri. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is, due to the lack of good apomorphies, again only a combination of plesiomorphies indicating that the group is still heterogeneous. The lack of caudal cirri could be an (not very complex) apomorphy which, however, certainly evolved several times independently. Anteholosticha multistilata is the sole "Holosticha" species whose small subunit rRNA genes have been sequenced (Shin et al. 2000; GenBank Accession No. AJ277876). One can except that gene sequence analysis of a true Holosticha species, for example, of the common H. pullaster, will reveal a clear separation from A. multistilata because of the rather different morphology. (ref. ID; 4927)
Type species; Anteholosticha monilata (Kahl, 1928) n. comb. (Bisionym: Holosticha monilata Kahl, 1928)
  1. Anteholosticha adami (Foissner, 1982) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  2. Anteholosticha arenicola (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  3. Anteholosticha australis (Blatterer & Foissner, 1988) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  4. Anteholosticha bergeri (Foissner, 1987) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  5. Anteholosticha brachysticha (Foissner, Agatha and Berger, 2002) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  6. Anteholosticha brevis (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  7. Anteholosticha camerounensis (Dragesco, 1970) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  8. Anteholosticha distyla (Buitkamp, 1977) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  9. Anteholosticha estuarii (Borror & Wicklow, 1983) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  10. Anteholosticha extensa (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  11. Anteholosticha fasciola (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  12. Anteholosticha garcilis (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  13. Anteholosticha grisea (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  14. Anteholosticha manca (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  15. Anteholosticha mancoidea (Hemberger, 1985) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  16. Anteholosticha monilata (Kahl, 1928) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  17. Anteholosticha multistilata (Kahl, 1928) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  18. Anteholosticha muscicola (Gellert, 1956) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  19. Anteholosticha muscorum (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  20. Anteholosticha oculata (Mereschkowsky, 1877) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  21. Anteholosticha pulchra (Kahl, 1932) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  22. Anteholosticha randani (Groliere, 1975) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  23. Anteholosticha scutellum (Cohn, 1866) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  24. Anteholosticha sigmoidea (Foissner, 1982) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  25. Anteholosticha sphagni (Groliere, 1975) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  26. Anteholosticha thononensis (Dragesco, 1966) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  27. Anteholosticha violacea (Kahl, 1928) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  28. Anteholosticha warreni (Song & Wilbert, 1997) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)
  29. Anteholosticha xanthichroma (Wirnsberger & Foissner, 1987) n. comb. (ref. ID; 4927)